What teaching approach do coaching classes use?

Popular coaching classes don’t ensure that they educate students, in the sense of the word ‘educate’. Coaching classes rather pay more focus on student’s short term data retention ability. A direct effect of this is that students end up remembering things ‘by heart’ also called rote learning. The process of receiving an education and actually understanding what is being thought in class is not in play here.

Why do coaching classes use this approach?

Coaching classes have long used this approach for students. The format is such that it does not allow them to consider that there are students of different abilities and learning capabilities. Students are pushed into the one-size-fits-all approach without much consideration of these capabilities. Some students find a way to learn as much as they can despite this approach, some become passive receivers, whereas some can’t comprehend what is taught.

What’s the effect of a one-size-fits-all approach?

The one-size-fits-all approach in coaching classes leads to many students not being able to achieve the best of their calibre. Without proper direction and the right guidelines, students often get lost in the system’s education process. As a result, these students perform poorly in class and are dropped into the weak-students bucket.

What is the solution to this?

This is where eLearning apps like Toppr can help. With Toppr, education changes dimensions. Using advanced technology, e-learning apps can personalise learning based on the individual academic needs for every student. With adaptive practice questions, students start off at a level based on their aptitude and knowledge. The difficulty of questions is then increased at a pace they are comfortable with until they meet their academic goals. The benefits of eLearning aren’t limited to practice.

What advantages does eLearning give the students?

Contrary to students receiving educational content only via a verbal (or audio) lecture — as practised in majority coaching classes; Toppr allows students to study using a mix of various mediums based on the topic in hand. A mix of audio, video and animations increase a student’s potential to comprehend what is being thought. Video can also be coupled with animations to show how something actually works. When it comes to e-learning, things change dimensions.

What about weak students?

One important point is, Toppr always allows students to learn anytime, anywhere. They aren’t being monitored or forced. They aren’t time-bound as in the lectures in coaching classes. They have freedom, and freedom can let them study without restrictions. It’s wrong to just categorise weak students as dumb. They just need more time than other children to understand concepts. Once they understand, then they too can answer the toughest of questions. Time is an important factor here.